a Mastodon-inspired collaboration

Author @hasslethishoff

so far behind

I have gotten so far behind in my archiving of #smallstories. I will catch up today. 06/28/2017@telliosofarbehind, metameta


Sometimes we get so lost on the big things, we forget the little things. A #smallstories We at https://youngwritersproject.org/ worked w. 7th graders who came onto our site to create Moth Stories. We had them: record a story; write another;… Continue Reading →

better cobblers

I am picking blackberries soon in the hedgerows and wild spaces. I know I could just plant rows and rows of them and pick easily and at will. I could have a nice legible blackberry row. But…the wild ones are… Continue Reading →

turtle savior

My wife called home on her way to work.She was distraught. “There’s a turtle upside down in the road and I was running so late I couldn’t stop.” I soothed her & said I would go right away to find… Continue Reading →

dancing in the text

You know when you are writing in a shared document and your friend from another time zone is writing at the same time, in the line just above you and completely unplanned, and it’s sort of like you’re dancing in… Continue Reading →

My chameleon

She was sitting, so peaceful, on the grass, under the tree. She was holding something in the palm of her hand. Gentle. “What do you have?” I asked. She held it up. Something shifted. “My chameleon,” she answered. “His name… Continue Reading →

Catching up

@tellio Thanks for tagging me! I have a lot to learn about this new space. I can’t wait to catch up on #smallstories! 07/03/2017@anna_phdcatchingup, commentmeta

Give it space

“You have to let it breathe,” I told him, reforming the sticks and removing the larger ones. “Start small. Give it space.” He has watched me many times build the fire in our backyard pit. But as with most things,… Continue Reading →

He ate his food

We started shearing sheep the same year our middle daughter was born. Lark is 32 now. Yesterday, I was leading our older ram with a bucket of grain to an electrified paddock 50 meters away to be shorn.He wanted that… Continue Reading →

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