a Mastodon-inspired collaboration

Category smallstories

trading sickness

Chuck Pearson @ShorterPearson Saturday after the family has traded sickness around for a week is for sleeping. Now if you’ll excuse me… #smallstories #mystoryissmallerthanyours

still there

dogtrax @dogtrax I saw it in the used bin — five CDs for a buck in the back of the store. Recognized the cover. It was one of mine. Not one I owned. One I made. My songs. With a… Continue Reading →

around the compost pile

Tellio @tellio Cleaning up around the compost pile this afternoon, I lifted a small pile of garden cloth from atop. There, licking its forked tongue, tasting the air, was a rather large copperhead. I watched its pitted head swing back… Continue Reading →


I awoke in a panic this morning. Late, late, I was going to be late. As I struggled out of bed, tripping over an abandoned pair of boots and disturbing a cat, I realised …. ah … today is Saturday… Continue Reading →

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